Toolkit for NIE Coordinators

1. HowToParticipate.doc
This document outlines three basic and four optional ways a newspaper can participate in the 2008 Student/Parent Mock Election.

2. SuggestedCoverLetter.doc
NIE coordinators may send this suggested cover letter to schools along with their choice of the two versions of FlierHouseAd and EnrollmentForm PDFs (see 3-6 below). Newspapers are encouraged to use the “generic” versions that direct schools to return the Enrollment Form to the newspaper. Feel free to edit this letter.

3. FlierHouseAdGeneric.pdf
This “generic” version of the Mock Election flier can double as a house ad that could be published in the newspaper in August and September. This version of the flier has room for the NIE coordinator’s return address and newspaper logo. An option is to use the “NJPF” version below.

4. FlierHouseAdNJPF.pdf
This “NJPF” version of the flier can be used as a house ad in newspapers through the end of September. This version directs schools to return the Enrollment Form to NJPF.

5. EnrollmentFormGeneric.pdf
This “generic” version of the Enrollment Form should be sent to schools in early September. There is room at the bottom of the form for the NIE coordinator to insert his or her return address and the newspaper’s logo. An option is to use the “NJPF” version below.

6. EnrollmentFormNJPF.pdf
This “NJPF” version of the Enrollment Form should be sent to schools in early September. This version directs schools to return the form to NJPF.

7. NJEnrollmentTemplate.xls
This Excel spreadsheet is a blank template newspapers should use to fill out and return to NJPF the list of schools that have enrolled with them to participate in the Mock Election. All of the cells in the spreadsheet should be filled out. The headings are the same as the information requested on the Enrollment Form. An option will be to mail the completed Enrollment Forms to: N.J. Mock Election Coordinator, New Jersey Press Foundation, 810 Bear Tavern Road, Trenton, NJ 08628-1022. Please return school enrollments to NJPF by September 30, but continue to send late enrollments that arrive in October.

8. ListOfSchools2005.xls
Newspapers can use this list of 473 New Jersey schools to identify schools that participated in the 2005 Mock Election. The list likely includes schools the newspaper hasn’t worked with in the past, but could be interested in becoming part of the paper’s NIE program. NJPF suggests that newspapers send the flier and Enrollment Form included with this toolkit to all of the schools in their circulation areas. A total of 180,614 New Jersey students participated in the 2005 Mock Election.

9. news.doc
This is a news release NIE coordinators can give to the editors of their newspaper's editor in September, in hopes the newspaper will write an article based on the information. The goal is to inform all readers about the Mock Election and to urge them to ask their schools to participate in the project. This document is in Microsoft Word format.

10. IdeasFromNationalHQ.pdf
This document includes some project and exercise ideas the NIE coordinator can suggest to teachers. The national Mock Election website will be updated soon to include additional curriculum ideas for the 2008 election. See .

11. NJEAendorsement.pdf
This is the first of several endorsements NJPF expects to receive. As they arrive, other endorsements will be posted on the New Jersey Mock Election website: .